Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sinugbang Nokus (Grilled Squid)

Squid (calamari) is simply flavored with olive oil and lemon juice, then quickly grilled to tender perfection. Squid must be cooked fast over high heat or slow-cooked to achieve tenderness. Anything in between results in a chewy mess.

In Davao City, the best dinning places you could visit to have a bite for this dish is:

  • Ahfat Seafood Plaza
  • Yellow fin
  • Kanaway Seafood Restaurant

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Bagoong at Mangga (Mango)

Bagoong is a Philippine condiment made of partially or completely fermented fish or shrimps and salt. 
Mango is a well known Filipino fruit. 

Both of these two compliments a sweet and tangy sour which is usually craved by pregnant women. Aside from these people, Bagoong at Mangga is a regular favorite of students be it college,elementary or highschool. It is usually found outside schools particularly every afternoon. Students bought this for 5 pesos on a single cellophane. 

Aside from school days, this fruit is having a blast on summer season. All in all, you can't leave the country without giving your tongue a taste on this.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Visayan Pork Humba

The Chinese cuisine paved way for the improvement of Filipino Cooking way back as far the history goes. Humba or Umba was one of the many dishes that were introduced particularly on the island of Visayas. Pork belly, the main ingredient, is the boneless fatty meat of an adult pig.